reading groups
Our faculty-led reading groups encourage and equip students within our spheres of influence. These informal groups typically meet in faculty homes every 3-4 weeks during the academic year.
undergraduate Reading Group
Dave Walsh leads a monthly undergraduate reading group for students across disciplines. This spring we will read C.S. Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters” and meet from 7:30-9pm on the following dates: 2/2, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4. Books are provided! Contact Dave Walsh for details at
Design and Visual Arts reading group
John Hendrix, Heidi Kolk, and Penina Laker host a monthly group for students in the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts. This spring they will continue reading “Word Made Fresh” by Abram Van Engen. This group meets from 7:30–9pm on the following dates: 2/3, 3/3, 4/7, 5/5. Books are provided! Contact John Hendrix for details at
Humanities reading group
This group for graduate students meets monthly with Abram Van Engen to discuss what it means to be a Christian scholar and teacher in the humanities. The group consists mostly of Ph.D. students in English and Comparative Literature. Books are provided! Contact Abram Van Engen for more details
Law reading group
John Inazu hosts a monthly group for law students. This spring they will continue to study “The Servant Lawyer” by Robert Cochran. This group meets from 7:30–9pm on the following dates: 1/28, 2/17, 3/6, 4/9. Contact John Inazu for more details
Medical School discussion group
Theo Vander Velde, Megan Burgess, Emily Somerville, and Kim Wiele host a discussion group for students and residents with no advance reading or prep required. This group typically meets a few times a semester on Thursday evenings from 7–9pm. Discussion prompts are provided ahead of time. Contact Theo Vander Velde for more details
Business School reading group
This reading group is taking a break until Feb 2025. If you are a business student interested in joining this group, contact Mark Leary at to learn more.
International Student Reading Group
Andrew Tuch leads a reading group for international students at WashU. They will be reading through “Uncommon Ground” by John Inazu. Contact Andrew Tuch for more details
Not sure which reading group is right for you? Send us an email at and we’ll get you plugged into the right one.