Emily Somerville

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Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy and Neurology in the School of Medicine

Emily Somerville is an Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy and Neurology. After earning a master’s degree in occupational therapy from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis in 2005, Dr. Somerville first joined Dr. Susan Stark’s Participation, Environment and Performance Laboratory (PEPL) where she led occupational therapy study interventions in the various studies conducted in the lab. She also trained occupational therapists in the community to deliver evidence-based interventions developed by PEPL. She was also a study coordinator for a study that aims to investigate the efficacy and safety of a novel enhanced rehabilitation-transition program to reduce environmental barriers and improve daily performance and community participation.  She now spends the majority of her time teaching and mentoring students. She works in the Washington University School of Medicine Interprofessional Student Pro Bono Clinic, which provides trauma-informed occupational therapy, physical therapy, and/or interim medical inter-professional care for adults who are uninsured and underinsured in the greater St. Louis area. She also sees clients as part of the Washington University Community Practice.

Emily has a BS from Covenant College, MSOT and OTD from Washington University in St. Louis. Emily and her husband Nelson have two children, Tripp and Lily. The Somervilles attend Central Presbyterian Church, and Emily serves on the board of Central Christian School.

Washington University Academic Page

Carver Connections by Emily Somerville

“Excellence.” March 1, 2021.