Episode 1: Nii Addy (Yale School of Medicine)


Episode 1: NII ADDY-7.2.2020

Dr. Addy received his B.S. in Biology from Duke University and his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Yale University. At Yale, Dr. Addy directs a federally funded research program, where he and his staff use rodent models to investigate the neurobiological bases of substance abuse, depression and anxiety. Dr. Addy is also involved in graduate student and post-graduate training, faculty mentoring, and university-wide diversity and inclusion initiatives at Yale. He serves on the journal editorial board of Biological Psychiatry, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, and Neuropharmacology, and serves as a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health’s Center for Scientific Review (CSR). He has presented scientific lectures at universities throughout the United States and Europe, and in Japan. Dr. Addy has also participated in Veritas Forums and community forums on the intersection of mental health, faith, culture and neuroscience. His research and community work have been featured by National Public Radio (NPR), Newsday, the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA), The Source Magazine, Chuck Norris, BoldTV, Legitimate Matters, and Relevant Magazine.

Additional resources mentioned in this podcast:

And here is a 2018 town hall at Yale organized by Dr. Addy that features Lecrae for a conversation on the intersection of mental health, faith, culture and social justice:

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